Microsoft - Tech Support Kunden-FAQ

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Die am häufigsten gestellte Frage betrifft die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Microsoft - Tech Support-Kundendienst. Klicken Sie hier, um Kontaktinformationen, E-Mail- und Chat-Optionen, Informationen zu Wartezeiten und mehr zu erhalten.

Wie kann ich mein Microsoft-Konto wiederherstellen?

Sie haben Probleme beim Zugriff auf Ihr Microsoft-Konto? Der Wiederherstellungsprozess ist einfach und unkompliziert. Besuchen Sie die Seite zur Wiederherstellung des Microsoft-Kontos...

Wie aktualisiere ich meine Kontoinformationen bei Microsoft?

Der Vorgang zum Aktualisieren Ihrer Kontoinformationen variiert je nach verwendetem Gerät. Hier sind einige hilfreiche Tipps, die Ihnen dabei helfen...
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Kürzliche Microsoft - Tech Support Kundenfragen

Only Microsoft account under CHI26 I need to make this account a family account so that includes my wife. What do I need to do? I thought I had done this change, but it doesn’t seem to be a present on your website.

To make your Microsoft account a family account, you need to sign in to your Microsoft account and navigate to the Family section. From there, you can add a family member by entering their email address. Your wife will receive an invitation that she needs to accept. Once she accepts, you both will have a family account with shared benefits. If you are having trouble, ensure you are logged in correctly and check if you need to update any settings.
Gefragt Mar 22, 2025 11:01 PM

I purchased Word today from Microsoft and want to download it, but when I attempt to download it, a display comes es up titled "Install Office 365" although a lower block has W "

It sounds like you may be encountering a prompt for Microsoft 365 instead of a standalone version of Word. If you have purchased Word as part of a Microsoft 365 subscription, the installation process will involve downloading the complete Office suite, which includes Word. Follow the prompts in the installation window, and ensure you are signed into the Microsoft account associated with your purchase. If you are specifically looking for a standalone version and that’s what you intended to buy, please double-check your purchase details.
Gefragt Jan 10, 2025 10:52 PM

I purchased Word today from Microsoft and tried to download it, but it is not on my computer.

If you purchased Word and it's not appearing on your computer, first check your email for a confirmation message from Microsoft that includes your product key and download instructions. Ensure you complete the installation as prompted. You may need to log into your Microsoft account to access your purchases and download links. If you downloaded it but can't find it, try searching for "Word" in your computer’s search bar. If issues persist, check for system compatibility or updates needed for your device.
Gefragt Jan 10, 2025 10:31 PM

I am contacting because I can't access to my admin center. Any of my account is working and I am global administrator

If you are unable to access your admin center despite being a global administrator, it may be due to several reasons such as account issues or permission settings. Ensure that you are using the correct credentials and that there are no issues with your account. Additionally, check for any potential security notifications or alerts that might be affecting access. For the most current solutions specific to your issue, refer to the relevant troubleshooting steps provided in our support resources.
Gefragt Dec 12, 2024 8:17 PM

Locked out of outlook with new phone number and everytime I try to answer question I don't get verified

We're sorry to hear about this issue. It sounds like you're having trouble verifying your account because your phone number has changed. Since Microsoft's verification questions are designed to maintain the security of your account, it is crucial to provide accurate answers. If you can't verify your identity, you might consider accessing your account on a previously used device or browser. Microsoft sometimes recognizes trusted devices and might let you in. However, if that option fails, you may also try to fill in an account recovery form which lets you provide more details about your account. Please remember patience is required, as the process could take some time to resolve.
Gefragt Jun 25, 2024 1:54 AM

Helfen Sie mir bei meinem Microsoft - Tech Support Kundendienstproblem

Account Recovery

Wie kann ich mein Microsoft-Konto wiederherstellen?

Sie haben Probleme beim Zugriff auf Ihr Microsoft-Konto? Der Wiederherstellungsprozess ist einfach und unkompliziert. Besuchen Sie die Seite zur Wiederherstellung des Microsoft-Kontos...

Refund Requests

Wie kann ich den technischen Support von Microsoft dazu bringen, eine Gebühr zu erstatten?

Wenn Sie Microsoft um eine Rückerstattung bitten müssen, besuchen Sie zunächst deren Website und suchen Sie über die Suchleiste nach Informationen zur Beantragung …

Update Account Info

Wie aktualisiere ich meine Kontoinformationen bei Microsoft?

Der Vorgang zum Aktualisieren Ihrer Kontoinformationen variiert je nach verwendetem Gerät. Hier sind einige hilfreiche Tipps, die Ihnen dabei helfen...

Tech Support Tips

Was ist der beste Weg, um technischen Support von Microsoft zu erhalten?

Microsoft hat so viele Probleme und Dienste, dass Sie zwangsläufig von ihnen abhängig werden. Nun, was tun Sie, wenn Sie technische ... benötigen?
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