Sylvania Kundendienst

Telefonnummer und Kontakt zu einem Vertreter

Sylvania Customer Service Nummer

Anrufe Customer Service·Menschen antworten nicht·Siehe Haupttelefonnummer und Kontaktinformationen

Wie erreiche ich unter dieser Telefonnummer Sylvania einen menschlichen Mitarbeiter?

A:Unter dieser Telefonnummer können Sie nicht mit einem echten Menschen sprechen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Haupttelefonnummer des Kundendienstes und andere Kontaktinformationen durch Klicken auf den untenstehenden Link anzuzeigen.

Ist diese Nummer rund um die Uhr erreichbar?

A:Diese Telefonnummer ist rund um die Uhr erreichbar, allerdings handelt es sich dabei nur um Aufzeichnungen. Weitere Informationen zu den Aufzeichnungen finden Sie weiter unten. Außerdem finden Sie alternative Kontaktmöglichkeiten zu Sylvania.

Alle Sylvania Kundendienst-Kontaktinformationen

Dies ist die #2 beliebteste Sylvania Telefonnummer von 2. Und auch diese Nummer wird von niemandem beantwortet. Klicken Sie oben, um zur Hauptkundendienstnummer und anderen Kontaktinformationen zurückzukehren, darunter Sylvania E-Mail-Adressen, Twitter-Handles und Live-Chat-Optionen.

Weitere Sylvania Kundentelefonnummern


Haupttelefonnummer · Zollfrei · Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST · Calling this Sylvania number should go right to a real human being ·

Kann ich unter dieser Nummer eine echte Person erreichen?

Obwohl Sie über diese Nummer Sylvania nicht zu einem Callcenter gelangen, das tatsächlich von Menschen besetzt ist, rufen die Forscher von GetHuman trotzdem regelmäßig dort an, um das Telefonsystem zu dokumentieren.
Unter dieser Telefonnummer werden alle Daten aufgezeichnet. Wenn unser Forschungsteam dort anruft, machen wir uns trotzdem Notizen zu allen wichtigen Änderungen oder Informationen, damit Sie nicht selbst anrufen müssen, um sich zu informieren. Hier ist ihre neueste Zusammenfassung: Directs you to 800-544-4828
So beschreibt unser Forschungsteam die Art und Weise, wie Sie vom Sylvania-Telefonsystem begrüßt werden: Thank you for calling Lead Bands. If you know your party's extension, please dial it now followed by the pound key. For a spell-by-name directory, press 1. For light bulb and ballast technical support and customer service, please hang up and dial 800-544-4828. For accounts payable, press 2. For HR questions and information, press 3. For more information about our company and all other products, please visit To return to the main menu, press 9. Thank you.

Anruf an diese Sylvania Kundennummer

Calling 978-753-5000 to reach Sylvania's customer service department is a mistake, because this is not a customer service number. This is actually the number for the North American headquarters of Ledvance, the parent company of Sylvania. As such, unless you happen to be looking for a specific employee of Ledvance or Sylvania, all you'll get from interacting with this number is an automated message.

If you do call this number, and the automated message asks you to dial your party's extension to be connected with them. Alternatively, you can ask for a dial-by-name phone directory that allows you to punch in the first few letters of their name. If you wait beyond this part of the phone menu, a voice tells you to dial 1-800-544-4828 for light bulbs or another part of customer service.

When you dial this number, a voice lets you know that Sylvania's customer service via this number is available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time, and it is not available on holidays, including the day after Thanksgiving.

A check of Sylvania's website confirms that the automated message is accurate and dialing 978-753-5000 doesn't provide customers with any service. To make things more complicated, there are multiple customer service options listed on the website, depending on what kind of customer you are. Sylvania does not sell directly to consumers, so its customer service calls are mainly directed at issues with the light bulbs themselves or questions on what retailers carry Sylvania products. For those retailers who buy directly from Sylvania, Leadvance offers a separate customer service line that isn't meant to be accessed by everyday customers.

Overall, I found the setup of this number to be business-like, with very little emphasis on the experience of the caller. Obviously, the business has had some issues with people dialing this number for customer service and appears to want to discourage people from dialing it. That's most likely so its workers can focus on dealing with the clients that do direct business with Sylvania. 

Otherwise, calling this number isn't going to get you any answers to your customer service questions. Unless you're unsure of what the actual customer service number is at Sylvania and this is the only number that you can find. For all other customers, you'll need to check Sylvania's website and locate the correct customer service number to get the assistance you need.

Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
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