

Die besten Antworten und Anleitungen

Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von CIGNA?

Die am häufigsten gestellte Frage betrifft die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem CIGNA-Kundendienst. Klicken Sie hier, um Kontaktinformationen, E-Mail- und Chat-Optionen, Informationen zu Wartezeiten und mehr zu erhalten.

Welche Arten von Versicherungsplänen bietet CIGNA an?

CIGNA bietet eine breite Palette an Versicherungsplänen, um den unterschiedlichen Gesundheitsbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Diese Pläne umfassen medizinische, zahnmedizinische, augenärztliche, pharmazeutische usw.
Stellen Sie alle Ihre Fragen zum CIGNA-Kundenservice und erhalten Sie jetzt eine Antwort.

Kürzliche CIGNA Kundenfragen

I lost my hsa card how do I get a new one?

If you've lost your HSA card from CIGNA, you should report it immediately to ensure your account's security. You can do this by logging in to your online account. In the section related to your HSA, there is an option to report a lost or stolen card. Once you have reported the lost card, you can request a new one through the online portal as well. As a security measure, your old card will be deactivated. The new card should arrive in the mail within 7-10 business days. Please continue to check your account activity to ensure there have been no unauthorized transactions.
Gefragt May 21, 2024 9:24 PM

Can't creat a account due to I don't know my member id

If you are unable to create an account because you don't know your member ID, you can find your member ID on your CIGNA insurance card. If you do not have your card, you can call the Customer Service number listed on CIGNA's contact page for assistance in getting your Member ID. It may require some verification of your personal details for security reasons. If you're a new member and haven't received your ID card yet, it usually arrives within several weeks after you enroll. Sometimes, your employer may also be able to provide your CIGNA Member ID if you're part of a workplace plan.
Gefragt Apr 9, 2024 7:33 PM

Helfen Sie mir bei meinem CIGNA Kundendienstproblem

Insurance Plans

Welche Arten von Versicherungsplänen bietet CIGNA an?

CIGNA bietet eine breite Palette an Versicherungsplänen, um den unterschiedlichen Gesundheitsbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Diese Pläne umfassen medizinische, zahnmedizinische, augenärztliche, pharmazeutische usw.
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