The 714-687-4400 phone number seems to be an older attempt to work around delays in getting to the California Employment Development Department, and it doesn't appear to work properly anymore. When I dialed this number on three different occasions, I got a busy signal every time. I couldn't get through to any kind of machine or live person.
A check of this number online revealed that it's not listed on the California EDD's website, which lists more than 10 phone numbers and doesn't include this one as an option.
The number does show up as a listed hack for people in Orange County to get to a live person in the department. It fits as a possible option for Orange County residents, as it does carry a Southern California area code that's used in Anaheim and other Orange County towns.
However, now it doesn't work at all. It seems this number was kind of an open secret that became a bit too widespread, and the California EDD opted to change its numbers to put an end to this loophole. Given that this number doesn't connect to anything, it appears that this hack is now outdated advice.
Even though this number doesn't appear to work anymore, California residents do have several options for connecting to a live person. The state offers numbers in eight different languages during normal business hours, which include English, Spanish and the remaining top six other languages in the state.
An additional number exists that offers free translation services for callers, which allows the state to cover virtually every possible person in their native tongue. The state also makes available a 24-hour automated phone number that is entirely in English, which gives callers the option to get assistance with basic problems at any time of the day.
Overall, it seems this number's original level of notoriety arose out of frustration with wait times to speak to a live person. The state seems to have done a good job of adding numbers and creating new options to get residents to a live human voice, but it could probably do a little more to help English speakers limit their wait times.
Regardless, this number doesn't show any signs of working, and the fact that it doesn't show up on an official government site means it's not an effective option. Obviously, I would not recommend trying to use it for anything.