Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 22, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I contacted [redacted] yesterday evening to make a payment without knowing the exact amount due. Unfortunately, the automated system led to a frustrating experience with what seemed like a personalized response rather than a professional interaction. The system initially mentioned $7.76 from my last bill but later during the payment process, it did not clarify the total amount owed, only offering the option to pay a portion or the whole bill. Despite my willingness to pay and provide my card details, the lack of clarity caused distress, leading me to disconnect the call to avoid further frustration. It would be helpful to review the call recording, as this encounter felt more personal and confrontational rather than assisting a customer with a payment query. I am eager for your prompt investigation and response regarding this issue. Sincerely, Dr. Kathirene J. Ewing.
Reported by GetHuman-kathiren on बुधवार, २२ अगस्त २०१८, दोपहर १०:५८ बजे
I reached out to GC tech support this morning but have not received any acknowledgment yet. If I don't hear back via email soon, I will have to cancel my service. Despite always paying my monthly bill on time, my phone is currently showing "No Sim card, No service," rendering it useless. Unfortunately, since my phone does not work, I can't utilize any chat options, and I'm unable to make calls. Living in the countryside without access to neighbors' phones adds to the challenge. If this issue persists, I will need to switch to a more reliable service provider within the next 2 days. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-irenesky on शुक्रवार, १५ फ़रवरी २०१९, रात १२:३७ बजे
I have been experiencing issues calling my wife in Hemet, CA from my phone in San Diego, CA. Verizon interjects saying the calls cannot connect. Adreanna attempted to assist. My phone number in San Diego is [redacted], and hers in Hemet is [redacted]. Due to her recovering from a stroke and learning to speak and walk again, it is crucial we can communicate daily to uplift her spirits and reduce her fears. I appreciate any help in resolving this matter. Thank you, Jay H. Contact me via email at [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman2890272 on गुरूवार, ९ मई २०१९, रात १:२९ बजे
I purchased a Jitterbug flip phone about three months ago. Lately, I've been having trouble hearing and understanding people when I talk on it. Two days ago, the phone displayed a "critical charge" message and then completely died within an hour. Despite leaving it to charge for a whole day, it still wouldn't turn back on. Being 72 years old, this phone is crucial for me, and I rely on it. I bought it at Best Buy in Duluth, MN, on March 1st. Currently in the middle of moving, I am unable to locate the paperwork and receipts.
Reported by GetHuman2893756 on गुरूवार, ९ मई २०१९, दोपहर ४:३५ बजे
I am having trouble with the talk-to-text feature on my device. Initially, it worked fine, but now when I tap the microphone on the keyboard, the talk circle appears for about a second, then a triangle with an exclamation mark pops up, indicating a "Connection Problem." I have verified that my menu settings allow for talk-to-text, but the issue persists even after resetting the device. When I called for technical support, the call got disconnected. My phone number is [redacted]. I will try reaching out to technical support again using a landline.
Reported by GetHuman-speedode on मंगलवार, २८ मई २०१९, दोपहर ४:३२ बजे
I am experiencing difficulty transferring photos from my Jitterbug Plus to an email, smartphone, or local photo finishing center. Despite contacting numerous tech support representatives, including those at Best Buy, the issue remains unresolved. I attempted to escalate the matter to Dean Williams, SVP Network Technology, or CEO David Inns but was unable to reach them. I am frustrated with the lack of progress and feel like I am being given the runaround. I even offered to send the phone for further investigation but was declined. My patience is wearing thin, and I hope this complaint reaches someone who can address and resolve the problem promptly. I am dissatisfied with the situation, especially considering the added texting fees to access the photos. The arrival of my new Jitterbug flip phone is pending the resolution of this issue with the current device.
Reported by GetHuman-crocagat on मंगलवार, ११ जून २०१९, शाम ७:३८ बजे
I own the Great Call call button device, which is my second unit. Unfortunately, the first one stopped holding a charge after 2 years. The current one, while smaller, also has a short battery life, lasting only about 8-9 hours. This proves inconvenient for longer days, as it doesn't last until the evening. I've been considering another product I saw advertised with a one-time fee and no monthly charges. This alternative also contacts [redacted] directly. I appreciate the Great Call service but I find myself not using it as much because of the battery limitation. It would be ideal for the device to hold a charge for 24 hours. I am interested to know if there are any improvements or alternatives in the works.
Reported by GetHuman3226138 on बुधवार, १० जुलाई २०१९, शाम ६:३४ बजे
I purchased one of your jitterbug flip phones that has been extremely problematic. Whenever I receive a call, it does not ring despite trying various settings. Instead, there is a brief low buzz, and it immediately shows as a missed call. The phone also has a recurring issue where it shuts off after five minutes of conversation, forcing me to redial to continue the call. I've had this phone for about four to five months, and it has never functioned properly. The phone number associated with it is [redacted], a number I've grown fond of at 84 years old. I initially bought the phone at Best Buy in Merrillville, IN, but when I approached them with the problems, they directed me to reach out to you for assistance. Additionally, the time displayed on the phone is consistently incorrect, typically lagging behind by an hour. I've adjusted to adding an hour to accommodate this discrepancy. As I rely solely on this phone with no landline, I urgently need a replacement or repair. I'm hoping for assistance from someone in my area who can address all the ongoing issues with this supposedly new phone. Byron Hubbard [redacted] South Court St. Crown Point, IN [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-byronhu on सोमवार, ५ अगस्त २०१९, रात ३:४१ बजे
My Jitterbug2 is not sending messages. It worked fine for two phone calls, but then when I tried to make another call, a green band appeared at the top of the home screen with a phone icon prompting me to tap to return to the call (2 hours ago now). When tapped, the screen displays a red band with a "Call ended" message, but the green band remains on the home screen, and I am unable to make calls. This is my sole phone, I live alone, am an 86-year-old widow, and this situation is causing me worry.
Reported by GetHuman-artbatch on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात ८:४२ बजे
I have been a loyal customer of Great Call/Jitter Bug for over 12 years, thanks to a referral from David Inns. Despite always praising the company and its customer service, I recently encountered issues when I upgraded to a smartphone. After a lengthy 4-hour call with the customer service representative to fix technical problems, I requested a change in my minutes plan. Despite assurances that my bill would only increase slightly, I was shocked to see my bill jump to $[redacted] from the usual $50, with no past due charges. As a disabled senior citizen, this increase is unaffordable for me. I need someone with the authority to investigate and fix this issue promptly to avoid falling behind on payments. I have always paid on time for the past 12 years, and I need help resolving this billing discrepancy. Thank you, Nena Castillo.
Reported by GetHuman3534713 on बुधवार, ४ सितम्बर २०१९, रात ९:४५ बजे
My billing address is [redacted] 10th Ave, Unit [redacted], Seattle, WA 98[redacted]. I currently use [redacted] and no longer want the 5-star service. I previously used [redacted] when purchasing the Jitterbug Smart2. I'm wondering if this change in email address is why they don't recognize my new email. Why is it so complicated to make a payment? I prefer not to sign up for direct automated payment for now. My bank doesn't issue paper checks, only a debit card. I might consider switching to a credit union, as suggested by Clark Howard. The bill is under Kathleen Bankhead. I simply want to pay online or via email securely. My phone has encryption and should be able to access secure layers for payment. GreatCall's website is secure with https encryption.
Reported by GetHuman-prunecla on गुरूवार, ५ सितम्बर २०१९, सुबह ४:०७ बजे
I noticed two charges on my phone in October of this year. The first charge was on 10/9 for $[redacted].04, which appeared twice on my bank statement, but only one payment of that amount was approved. The second charge was on 10/22 for $35.39. I have tried to resolve this issue with Great Call through email and phone, but unfortunately have not received a response. I am puzzled by the $[redacted].04 charge and would like an explanation. I find it concerning that a company that claims to be senior citizen friendly is not providing the assistance needed. Please reach out to me via email as I am hearing impaired. My phone number is [redacted]. Your prompt attention to this matter and refund of $[redacted].04 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3889100 on मंगलवार, ५ नवम्बर २०१९, शाम ६:५४ बजे
I need help with activating two Great Call Jitterbug 2 phones that I purchased from I might have mixed up the IMEI/Great call serial numbers during setup. Phone 1 ending in [redacted] with number (xxx) xxx-[redacted] has been in activation mode since Nov 26, [redacted]. I was porting my previous number to this phone, and a service rep mentioned there was a problem that needed fixing. Despite paying the activation fee, the phone remains unactivated. Phone 2 ending in [redacted] with temporary number (xxx) xxx-[redacted] has been successfully activated, but my previous number hasn't been ported over yet. I activated this phone via Great Call customer service. Could there be an issue with both previous carrier numbers trying to port to Phone 2?
Reported by GetHuman-pegwen on बुधवार, २७ नवम्बर २०१९, दोपहर १:४६ बजे
On November 26, [redacted], I tried to activate two Jitterbug Smartphone 2's that I bought from and port my phone numbers from my previous carrier. One phone was activated online and the other by speaking to customer service via a landline. I spent a lot of time on the phone that day with three Customer Service representatives named Renee, Jean, and Debbie. The phone I activated online, Phone 1 with the IMEI ending in [redacted] and phone number (xxx) xxx-[redacted], has been stuck on "Finishing Setup" since around 11:00 am PST. The previous carrier's number has been ported but the phone remains in setup mode and I was charged an activation fee. For Phone 2, the IMEI ending in [redacted] and temporary number (xxx) xxx-[redacted], which I activated quickly with customer service from a landline, does not show on my account and the previous number has not ported. While I know number porting can take a few days, I am perplexed as to why one happened swiftly and the other is still pending with the old carrier. It's possible I confused the IMEI codes for the phones or mentioned the same one twice. I request both phones be deactivated and reset to factory settings so I can activate them properly.
Reported by GetHuman-pegwen on बुधवार, २७ नवम्बर २०१९, शाम ६:२९ बजे
I am experiencing issues with my new phone since I received it. Despite speaking to multiple representatives, no solutions have been provided. The problem with the phone is that I can only hear incoming calls when the speakerphone is on; otherwise, the sound is too low. This situation is extremely frustrating, and if it is not resolved, I will switch to a different cell phone provider.
Reported by GetHuman4035301 on मंगलवार, ३ दिसम्बर २०१९, रात ८:२८ बजे
My husband is currently a Consumer Cellular customer and wishes to retain his phone number, [redacted], when switching to a Jitterbug Flip. I am aware that transferring the number requires his account details. His name is Walker C. McGraw, with Account # [redacted]54, residing at [redacted] Long Way S. Brunswick, GA [redacted]. Kindly inform me if any additional information is necessary for the number transfer to Jitterbug. Furthermore, please notify us once the transfer is completed so we can cancel the Consumer Cellular service for that line. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-wcmgmcgr on गुरूवार, १२ दिसम्बर २०१९, शाम ६:३२ बजे
I received the phone less than a month ago after waiting for two weeks. However, I have not been able to make calls due to a constant "no signal" message, even though my Wi-Fi is on. My internet works fine, but I urgently need to contact my attorney and doctors for my recovery from a head injury. If this issue cannot be resolved, I may have to return the phone and request a refund. Please assist me in fixing this problem as soon as possible.
Reported by GetHuman4113069 on मंगलवार, १७ दिसम्बर २०१९, रात ९:०० बजे
My phone was activated on January 4, [redacted]. I need to confirm the plan I have. I requested unlimited talk and text for $20, or I am open to paying $40 for additional data. I want the flexibility to add more features as I become more familiar with the phone. Previously, I paid $35 monthly with Cricket, automatically charged to my credit card. I need unlimited minutes for calls to doctors. I prefer a system like Cricket's for billing. I'm not looking for extra services now, just the basic unlimited talk. I hope you can assist, or I may need to return the phone. My account number is [redacted], and my name is Barbara W., born on January 4. Your prompt attention is appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman4217840 on मंगलवार, ७ जनवरी २०२०, रात १०:१३ बजे
Hello, I have been providing my sister with a medical alert service for a long time. She is 90 years old and resides in Nevada while I live in Santa Ana. I have been paying for this service through auto pay from my account. Unfortunately, I am unable to continue providing this service for her. I believe she may have been placed in a care center, but I am uncertain of the exact location. I do not think she uses the monitor anymore, so I need to cancel the service. I am currently unable to return the equipment. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. My name is Loren Perry and I reside at [redacted] S. Pacific Ave, Santa Ana, CA [redacted]. The service was or is at her home in Nevada. Please provide me with instructions on how to cancel.
Reported by GetHuman-usahmsta on मंगलवार, ४ फ़रवरी २०२०, सुबह ५:१९ बजे
Last Friday, my phone wouldn't turn on despite being fully charged. After contacting customer service, they arranged to dispatch a new phone and instructed me to return the faulty one for assessment. Surprisingly, the next morning, my phone powered up without any issues. I plan to promptly return the replacement once it arrives. If my original phone fails again, I'll send it back for examination as directed. Reconnecting my landline was inconvenient, but reliable phone service is essential for me. Feel free to reach out if needed. Nancy L. in Ogallala, NE experienced this situation.
Reported by GetHuman-nlehl on सोमवार, २ मार्च २०२०, दोपहर ४:३८ बजे

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