OpenTable Kundendienst

Telefonnummer und Kontakt zu einem Vertreter

OpenTable Customer Service Nummer

Zollfrei·Anrufe Customer Service·Menschen antworten nicht·Siehe Haupttelefonnummer und Kontaktinformationen

Wie erreiche ich unter dieser Telefonnummer OpenTable einen menschlichen Mitarbeiter?

A:Unter dieser Telefonnummer können Sie nicht mit einem echten Menschen sprechen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Haupttelefonnummer des Kundendienstes und andere Kontaktinformationen durch Klicken auf den untenstehenden Link anzuzeigen.

Ist diese Nummer rund um die Uhr erreichbar?

A:Diese Telefonnummer ist rund um die Uhr erreichbar, allerdings handelt es sich dabei nur um Aufzeichnungen. Weitere Informationen zu den Aufzeichnungen finden Sie weiter unten. Außerdem finden Sie alternative Kontaktmöglichkeiten zu OpenTable.

Alle OpenTable Kundendienst-Kontaktinformationen

Dies ist die #2 beliebteste OpenTable Telefonnummer von 2. Und auch diese Nummer wird von niemandem beantwortet. Klicken Sie oben, um zur Hauptkundendienstnummer und anderen Kontaktinformationen zurückzukehren, darunter OpenTable E-Mail-Adressen, Twitter-Handles und Live-Chat-Optionen.

Weitere OpenTable Kundentelefonnummern


Haupttelefonnummer · Zollfrei · 24 hours, 7 days · Must choose an option 1, 2 or 4. · If you're calling for general assistance or technical support, press 1. To speak to someone from our billing department, please press 2. If you're a restaurant owner interested in learning more about our products, please press 4.

Kann ich unter dieser Nummer eine echte Person erreichen?

Obwohl Sie über diese Nummer OpenTable nicht zu einem Callcenter gelangen, das tatsächlich von Menschen besetzt ist, rufen die Forscher von GetHuman trotzdem regelmäßig dort an, um das Telefonsystem zu dokumentieren.
Unter dieser Telefonnummer werden alle Daten aufgezeichnet. Wenn unser Forschungsteam dort anruft, machen wir uns trotzdem Notizen zu allen wichtigen Änderungen oder Informationen, damit Sie nicht selbst anrufen müssen, um sich zu informieren. Hier ist ihre neueste Zusammenfassung: For help with gift cards, use this number

Warum diese Nummer OpenTable anrufen?

Unten sehen Sie ein Beispiel für die letzten Anrufe bei OpenTable und deren Zweck. Sind einige davon mit dem Grund Ihres Anrufs vergleichbar?
: ""
- Aus einem Anruf mit einer Dauer von 7s , Jan 23, 2025 9:48 PM
: ""
- Von einem Anruf mit einer Dauer von 2m 19s , Dec 23, 2024 4:05 PM
: ""
- Von einem Anruf mit einer Dauer von 2m 20s , Dec 1, 2024 9:28 PM
: ""
- Von einem Anruf mit einer Dauer von 2m 21s , Nov 20, 2024 2:06 AM

Anruf an diese OpenTable Kundennummer

Feb 26, 2024

Calling this number doesn't work at all, even though it's listed as an OpenTable number. Contacting OpenTable by phone usually isn't a great idea anyway, but calling this number didn't even begin to work.

When I dialed, all I got was a message that said, "This number is not currently operational. Goodbye." There was no ability to get to another number, no automated system to work with, not even a confirmation that you've reached OpenTable. This number appears to have been disconnected, or it simply just doesn't work.

Strangely, this number is listed on OpenTable as a real option. It's supposed to be the number for support with gifts, as listed on OpenTable's question and answer section of its website. No dates and times are listed, suggesting that this number should work at any time of the day. Instead, it doesn't work at all. 

Another hit on a search of this phone number brings up the legal page of OpenTable, which suggests that anyone who's having an issue with a gift card needs to call this number. By doing so, a person should be able to reach someone who can help if this number is to be believed. But for whatever reason, the number offers no assistance whatsoever.

Other hits on search engine results suggest that this number was once used by Treatful, which was once a gift card startup that allowed people to send gift cards and certificates to anyone in the United States. But OpenTable acquired Treatful in 2012, 12 years before I attempted to dial this number. While some acquisitions do take years, it seems unlikely that such an acquisition would still be ongoing over a decade after it was completed. More likely, OpenTable simply disconnected the number at some point and forgot to update its pages that it was doing so.

Based on this lack of interaction, there is no reason to use this number for anything. If this was a legitimate OpenTable number, and evidence says that it was, it seems OpenTable has completely abandoned it. However, given that it still shows up on OpenTable's website, this results in a confusing situation for customers. The best thing for a person to do if they have questions about gifts seems to be to call the main English number of 1-866-941-8494 and address any gift card questions that way. That might lead to longer wait times, but at least they should be able to get someone on the phone.

Additionally, OpenTable suggests a person can e-mail and try to connect with someone that way. That might lead to a longer wait, but it's likely someone will get a response. Using this number won't offer a response at all.

Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
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