The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Jagex Ltd. customer service, archive #9. It includes a selection of 9 issue(s) reported July 5, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello everyone, a year ago I left the country and stopped playing my OSRS account. A few months ago, I returned and tried to log into my account using the password I remember clearly, but I keep getting a password error. I decided to reset it, but I'm not receiving the emails. I got worried and checked with a friend who has me added, and I noticed even my account name was changed; someone clearly stole my account. It's possible I left my email open on one of my computers and someone took advantage of it. I have tried to recover my account several times, but my request is always denied. It's been a year now, during which time the password must have been changed multiple times, and I am struggling to answer the security questions to validate my ownership. I have full access to the original email. Is there any way I can recover my account? I hope you can help me with this issue. Thank you and regards.
Reported by GetHuman-maikerbo on Selasa, 5 Julai 2022 pukul 18.19
Yesterday, I was playing for a while before stepping out on an errand. Upon my return, I discovered that my character in Lumbridge Bank had been stripped of all gold and valuables. Initially, I thought of changing my password and recovering what I could.
To my dismay, the hacker had not only changed the base email address but also added an authenticator to my account. I promptly submitted an account recovery form to Jagex, detailing the entire incident. Unfortunately, today I received a response stating that the request was 'Denied.'
Now, I am locked out of my account, and Jagex seems to have exhausted all available options with no direct customer service lines. The account may even be linked to my PayPal, leaving crucial financial information inaccessible.
Sharing my experience in the hope that someone with the authority to assist can step in. It's concerning to encounter such a lack of support, especially for a paying member at risk of financial loss.
Reported by GetHuman-hpcamero on Selasa, 16 Ogos 2022 pukul 21.30
I have an issue with RuneScape 3 and Old School RuneScape. I stopped playing in [redacted], returned in [redacted], got hacked, recovered the account, found my bank emptied, and quit again. Later, I tried Old School RuneScape on my phone and enjoyed it. I even met my future wife there. Due to financial constraints, I had to take a break. When I returned, I was permanently banned in [redacted] for alleged botting, although I played on a phone. I've been a loyal customer, never cheated, just used some inappropriate language when younger. I spent years and money on my account. My appeal was instantly denied, and I feel unjustly treated. I ask for a fair chance to clear my name. My account is Thousandturt.
Reported by GetHuman-enscanor on Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022 pukul 14.51
Order #[redacted]-RUNES: I recently placed an order for my son's birthday and had it delivered to his and his girlfriend's house. The delivery address is: Katie - Robin Boehm - Calla, [redacted]-19B High Street, Fort Erie, ON, L2A 5W8, Canada. Unfortunately, I missed including the street name on the address. My son's girlfriend, Katie, has reached out to the company to address this issue, but we have been unable to make contact. I'm reaching out here in hopes of rectifying the address omission. Please reach out to me at [redacted] in Canada or via email at [redacted] Alternatively, you can contact my son's girlfriend at [redacted] I was provided with ticket number "Your ticket number is [redacted]0" in a recent reply. Could you please confirm if the address correction can be made? Looking forward to your assistance on this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7922590 on Rabu, 2 November 2022 pukul 14.52
I am a member of GrammaMo, who has been on and off since March [redacted]. Recently renewed the annual membership on March 30th. I have encountered issues with logging in after accidentally logging out of the Jagex launcher. Despite having tried to reset the password multiple times, I have faced denials and error messages. The recovery link also displayed errors and character unavailability messages, making it impossible to regain access to my account. Despite the account still being visible to my friend Poohnla, recovery attempts have been unsuccessful seven times. I urgently need my password reset and assistance in accessing my account.
Reported by GetHuman8294529 on Selasa, 11 April 2023 pukul 14.36
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am reaching out regarding the permanent ban that was wrongly imposed on my RuneScape account, which I have been dedicated to for nearly two decades. I implore you to reconsider the ban on my account "osrs greg" as I have been accused of botting, a practice I swear I have not engaged in.
While I admit to receiving a two-day ban for using an auto-clicker last month, it was a foolish mistake on my part. I used the auto-clicker briefly to alch while attending to my wife during dinner out of a misunderstanding of computer terms. I have since refrained from using any such software as I now understand the rules better.
Recently, I received a permanent ban despite not using any external software while playing RuneScape. I urge you to review this ban as I have been a loyal customer of Jagex since [redacted], and losing my account would be devastating. I have invested significant time in this account and would never knowingly risk a permanent ban.
I suspect the ban may be due to my activity at the Grand Exchange, where I engage in alching for money amidst the presence of gambling bots and auto-typers. My gameplay may seem unusual due to having a newborn baby that demands sudden attention, resulting in sporadic logins and interruptions while playing.
I kindly ask for a thorough reevaluation of this ban, confident that it is a misunderstanding and that I have always played the game fairly.
Reported by GetHuman-gdurie on Ahad, 30 April 2023 pukul 10.32
Hola, espero que estén bien. Señor Jagex, he sido estafado hoy. Cuando ingresé al juego, noté que mi inventario y equipo estaban vacíos, y no podía acceder al banco debido a mi PIN. A pesar de tener autenticador, desconozco cómo pudieron hackearme, ya que he estado vigilando mi computadora todo el día sin compartirla con nadie. Creo que fui hackeado a través de una página. El martes me ofrecieron 12 millones de oro por votar en un evento del juego, y traté de ayudar a esa persona. Su cuenta es "l4 viuda" y creo que deberían cerrarla por llevar a cabo muchas estafas. Solicito que revisen mi cuenta para reponer los objetos perdidos. Además, tengo dificultades para obtener objetos raros o mascotas al enfrentar jefes, incluso después de numerosos intentos. Necesito ayuda, ¡por favor!
Reported by GetHuman-djluisal on Jumaat, 5 Mei 2023 pukul 04.12
I need help accessing my RuneScape account. My login email is *****@***.com and my current password is "originalpoptart". The email address linked to the account is *****@***.com and my current email password is "originalpizzapop". My RuneScape username is "nachopasta". I have forgotten my password. Thank you. Dylan Samuel Childers at [redacted] South Ohio Ave, Davenport, Iowa [redacted]. Apologies, but I cannot recall any creation details.
Reported by GetHuman8565624 on Rabu, 6 September 2023 pukul 16.33
Good day, GM. My account was banned and I don't know why. I have been playing for over a year and have never committed any offenses. If you believe I made a mistake, I apologize. I have invested a lot of time in my life, and it's unfair that I get banned for one error. I have evidence to show that I play just for fun, as I love the game and wouldn't risk losing my high-level account with plenty of GP. Please, give me another chance.
Reported by GetHuman-rosswala on Khamis, 14 September 2023 pukul 07.40