Bungie.net Customer Service Issues

Archive 13

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Bungie.net customer service, archive #13. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 25, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I was working on the Hawkmoon quest to obtain the gun. After completing the sixth part and assuming I had collected the feathers, I returned to orbit. However, I realized I was not progressing to the next step. Upon checking the EDZ zone, I noticed the quest marker was still there, placed in an inaccessible spot. I tried abandoning the quest to resolve the issue, but unfortunately, it did not work. How can I address the glitch in the Hawkmoon quest where the five feathers are stuck in an area in the EDZ that is unreachable?
Reported by GetHuman5585508 on vendredi 25 décembre 2020 19:45
I'm Alastor's axe on Steam (ID: [redacted][redacted]) and I was disappointed to find out today that I've been restricted from matchmaking due to connection issues. I live in an area without optical fiber, so my connection isn't the best. While I hadn't experienced any recent problems, I was surprised to see a 2-month restriction imposed today. It's not my fault that my country lacks good connectivity. I truly enjoy playing the game and investing in it by purchasing DLCs, even buying some for my girlfriend. I would appreciate some consideration given my dedication to the game.
Reported by GetHuman-galaxd on samedi 26 décembre 2020 05:32
Yesterday, I bought Beyond Light and Shadowkeep. Unfortunately, my season pass was unexpectedly activated 12 hours before the last season ended. I had no idea this would happen. I haven't even had the chance to play Beyond Light yet, and now my pass is used up. I was counting on it for the new season, but it was activated prematurely. This has really affected my experience with the game and I feel cheated. I'm hoping to have my season pass available for the current season as originally intended.
Reported by GetHuman5737954 on mardi 9 février 2021 21:10
My Steam username is Geekin. I received a ban on the day the Season of the Chosen was released. I was playing my second battleground and enjoying the new DLC when suddenly I got banned. I am baffled because I haven't done anything wrong. I have invested $[redacted] in every expansion, have clocked over [redacted] hours in D1 and D2, and now I am unable to log in. I feel frustrated because the game seems to be filled with cheaters who go unpunished while I, who did not cheat, have been banned. It has been four days since I reached out to the support team, but I have not received any response or acknowledgement. I just want to be unbanned so I can go back to playing normally.
Reported by GetHuman-geekinma on vendredi 12 février 2021 21:08
I was recently banned from matchmaking due to an incident where one of my teammates lost connection and was kicked out of our fireteam. This led to us playing a 2vs3 match, which we unfortunately lost the first round. Despite facing challenges, we managed to come back with the help of our teammate rejoining and won the game fairly. However, one of our opponents accused us of cheating because of this sequence of events. I believe this ban is unjust as we played according to the rules, and I have been a dedicated player since the game's release, owning all DLCs and season passes. With upcoming events like the Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner, I kindly request assistance in having this ban lifted.
Reported by GetHuman-kvngideo on vendredi 19 février 2021 17:48
Due to connectivity issues with my wifi, I attempted to complete the GL kills for my gilded title in 6v6 matches, but the lag hindered my progress. Subsequently, I received a ban from all pvp matchmaking. I am kindly requesting an appeal specifically for Trials or any 3v3 activities as I do not encounter lag in those modes. I understand if the ban remains for 6v6 matches, but I truly enjoy playing 3v3 without experiencing connectivity problems. Trials has been my favorite game mode since Destiny 1, and I would greatly appreciate being allowed to continue participating. If necessary, I am willing to abstain from 6v6 matches until my wifi situation improves. Thank you for considering my appeal.
Reported by GetHuman5769465 on samedi 20 février 2021 20:15
Hello, myself and other players from the Mainz, Germany area have been experiencing multiple connection issues. I have been kicked out of the game 4-5 times within 60 to 90 minutes. The sound cuts out, opening doors, weapons, or armor fields takes several seconds (up to 20 seconds or more), and the game freezes for up to 20 seconds. This wasn't happening yesterday; it just started this morning. I've been disconnected multiple times already today. I also received an error message three times this morning saying the DVD was ejected from the console, instructing me to delete and reinstall the game, which I did in rest mode. I waited an additional 90 minutes beyond the download time frame to ensure the game installation was complete. However, the previous issues mentioned, except for the error code, are still present or have worsened. Thanks, Joachim B. Destiny 1 and 2 Player
Reported by GetHuman-blindjo on vendredi 5 mars 2021 17:00
Hello, I purchased the Beyond the Light edition for €50. The issue is that I unlocked the pass, but I only received the helmet initially. I visited the post office hoping to collect the rest, however, to my surprise, I did not receive it. I have emptied my post office box, but I still have not received anything. I can see it in my collection under exotic weapons, but I am unsure how to access it.
Reported by GetHuman-kinjin on mardi 9 mars 2021 00:24
Concerned about rampant cheating in Destiny 2, I have been a gamer for over three decades and have never seen such widespread cheating in the game. I suggest several changes be implemented to improve the gameplay experience. First, remove the penalty timer and reduce the revive time to ten seconds to encourage teamwork and prevent players from neglecting revives. Secondly, address the issue of players running far ahead of the team, disrupting the gameplay for others. Lastly, provide alternative ways for players to obtain exotics outside of specific modes like raids, as some players may not enjoy these activities. I care about this game and hope to see positive changes implemented before it loses its player base. Thank you for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman-wsrb on lundi 19 avril 2021 15:19
I recently received an email from Rybbon on behalf of Bungie regarding a survey I completed a year ago. The email mentioned compensating me with a $10 digital reward for my previous participation. The email includes a 'claim now' link with an expiration date of May 18, [redacted]. I find it unprofessional that it took a year to offer the reward with only a short redemption window. I would like assistance to verify the legitimacy of this email. Although I suspect it's fake, I would appreciate guidance on where to report it. Please understand I take this seriously and seek guidance on the appropriate action to take. Could you please direct me to the right contact at Bungie to address this matter? Thank you for your help and I await your response or that of Bungie.
Reported by GetHuman6056495 on mardi 11 mai 2021 15:08
For the past week, I purchased the downloadable content for "Destiny 2: Shadowkeep," "Destiny 2: Beyond Light + 1 Season," and later acquired the "Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deluxe Edition." I had previously bought "Destiny 2: Forsaken" a year or two ago. Today, around 4:30 pm CST, while attempting to delete an older class in the game, a glitch occurred, resulting in the accidental deletion of my "warlock class." I had to recreate the warlock class from scratch and faced challenges. Despite spending an additional $20 USD to recover lost progress, some of my quests disappeared. I also encountered issues accessing the "Battlegrounds" game mode and the "War Table" in H.E.L.M. post Deluxe Edition purchase, despite having the necessary content unlocked. I play on Playstation and attempted to reinstall the Deluxe Edition add-on, yet encountered obstacles in downloading it. This has been a frustrating experience for me.
Reported by GetHuman-jetimpo on dimanche 30 mai 2021 01:30
I am unable to complete the catalyst for the Dead Man's Tail within the time constraints provided. It is challenging to defeat the boss at the end without any assistance, as my friends and clan members are unavailable. I require help with various tasks, including some on the Moon and the Dreaming City, obtaining specific items, and acquiring exotics from the Tower. It is frustrating that no one seems willing to assist me as they are occupied with other games. If you could help me find a fireteam to tackle these challenges without a time limit for the Dead Man's Tale masterwork, I would greatly appreciate it.
Reported by GetHuman-coolbatt on vendredi 11 juin 2021 18:35
After playing D2 and logging off, my grandson attempted to log in and, to our surprise, found my account banned. Upon trying to access my account, I received a message indicating a permanent ban. I am baffled as to why this happened and have been unable to find any information on Bungie's website. I am an avid player nearing 60 years old, and I rely on this game as a daily source of enjoyment. The only possible reason for the ban could be that I enlisted Booster services a few times this year for help with Iron Banner and Crucible quests. With over 4,[redacted] hours invested in the game, I dedicate myself daily to progress, and this sudden ban has left me locked out unfairly. I am unsure if my account has been compromised and utilized by others without my knowledge. Having changed my password recently due to a similar incident, where I found someone else playing on my account, I typically play solo as I struggle to keep up with younger gamers. It is disheartening to face this ban without understanding the cause.
Reported by GetHuman-halflife on samedi 26 juin 2021 14:12
Hello, I recently discovered that my account was hacked. The person who accessed it communicated in English, while I only speak French. They managed to delete all my weapons and characters on Destiny 2. I am unsure how this individual, who knew my old nickname as hugu208, gained access and took such actions. I have managed to recover my PlayStation account with the new nickname harrypotter6830, but I would appreciate it if an investigation could be initiated to look into this matter. Thank you for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman6312176 on vendredi 9 juillet 2021 07:34
Hello, I have been playing Destiny since its release and have purchased each DLC for 40 euros. I was looking forward to playing again this summer, only to find out that three planets, two of which I paid for, had disappeared. To add to my surprise, there is a new DLC without any discount for previous DLC buyers. I now have to pay another 40 euros for content that seems lacking and a white planet covered in snow. I believe there should be a discount for loyal players or a refund for the content that has been removed. This situation feels like theft to me. The company behind Halo, which I used to admire, now seems like lazy thieves driven by greed. I am disappointed in the direction your company's policies have taken.
Reported by GetHuman-lepetitt on dimanche 25 juillet 2021 12:35
Hello, I have been playing Destiny since its release and paid 40 euros for each DLC. Planning to play Destiny again this summer, I was surprised to see that three planets, two of which I purchased, had disappeared. To my further surprise, a new DLC was released with no discount for previous buyers. Now, I am expected to pay another 40 euros for lackluster content and the removal of existing content. I am requesting a discount on this unimpressive DLC or a refund for the features that were taken away. It feels like theft. The company that used to run the excellent HALO no longer resembles its former self; it seems like there are only greedy individuals at the helm. I am thoroughly disappointed in the direction your company is heading.
Reported by GetHuman-lepetitt on dimanche 25 juillet 2021 12:36
I had a Destiny 2 account on the battle.net client that was supposed to transfer over to Steam. I attempted to access the game recently, only to find that all my characters are missing. I believe I completed the transfer before December 1, [redacted], yet my progress is not showing up. When I logged into Steam, I was directed to create a new character. I am concerned about the loss of my progress, considering the time and money I invested in the game on the battle.net client. The transfer process seems to have caused an issue, even though I was not informed or updated about this change. Can someone help me retrieve my characters and progress on the new platform?
Reported by GetHuman-mqrsmqrs on dimanche 1 août 2021 04:15
Hi Bungie, I used the Game Pass to install Destiny 2 on my Xbox One a few months ago. I've been immersed in the Beyond Light campaign and purchased the season pass to progress. Unfortunately, during gameplay yesterday, I lost all my progress, including Stasis abilities and raids. When I reinstalled the game, I was surprised to see I needed to purchase all three DLCs at a total cost of $95 to regain access. This seems excessive as it exceeds the price of a new game. As someone who just bought the season pass and planned to continue with the new season, the thought of spending $[redacted] for the upcoming season and lost DLCs is disheartening. I hope there can be a more reasonable solution to retain dedicated players like myself.
Reported by GetHuman6478905 on mercredi 18 août 2021 22:29
Approximately 46 days ago, my wife and I were working on solstice gear and decided to jump into Last Wish on Destiny. Unfortunately, I was unexpectedly banned during our gameplay session. Despite my attempts to inquire, Bungie has not provided a clear reason for the ban. I speculate that it may be due to a single-player game trainer that was unintentionally running in the background before launching Destiny. This ban has had a severe impact on my mental health, leading me to contemplate ending my life. As an adult dealing with anxiety and ADHD, I had aspirations of working for Bungie, the company that now seems indifferent to my situation. I remain hopeful that with the release of BattlEye, there may be a chance for me to be unbanned. I have invested over 3,[redacted] hours into the game, actively participating in each season, and maintaining legitimate stats on my guardian. The past 46 days have been filled with emotional pain, affecting my daily life and making existence feel unbearable.
Reported by GetHuman-keelcody on mardi 24 août 2021 13:15
As a dedicated player of Destiny 2, I have cherished the game since its inception. However, a distressing incident occurred where my cousin accessed my account and engaged in cheating activities while I was attending my sister's wedding. Consequently, my account was banned, greatly impacting my mental well-being. Despite submitting multiple ban appeals, each one was regrettably rejected. Upon seeking assistance from a third-party site, the explanation provided for upholding the ban was unsatisfactory. The response mainly emphasized that ultimate account responsibility lies with me, the player, and that the punishment is directed towards the account rather than the individual. My primary goal is to have my account reinstated to resume enjoying the game. Alternatively, I seek a thorough clarification on why the outlined points do not warrant the lifting of the ban. Firstly, I have substantial evidence, including an email confession from my cousin, indicating that I was unaware of the cheating activities as I was traveling. Secondly, I have elaborated on the adverse impact the ban has had on my mental health and even obtained professional advice recommending the account's restoration for my well-being. Lastly, I acknowledge the violation of terms but maintain that I should not be penalized for actions beyond my control. While I hold no grudge against Bungie, I find the current situation challenging as I am being penalized for circumstances orchestrated by someone else. I am open to reaching a compromise and complying with any conditions necessary. My humble request is for a second chance to access my account and continue enjoying Destiny 2 in the years to come.
Reported by GetHuman6508053 on mercredi 25 août 2021 23:46

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