
Mojang Kunden-FAQ

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Gibt es in Minecraft eine Kindersicherung?

Ja, Minecraft bietet verschiedene Kindersicherungsoptionen, um jüngeren Spielern ein sichereres Spielerlebnis zu bieten. Die Kindersicherung kann...
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Kürzliche Mojang Kundenfragen

The game crashed whilst exception in server tick loop Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

This error typically occurs when your device runs out of memory while running Minecraft. It's often associated with not allocating enough RAM to the game. If you're running a Minecraft server, you can deal with this error by increasing the amount of RAM you've allocated to your server. If you're playing a single-player game, you can increase the RAM allocated through the Minecraft launcher. It's also important to ensure that your device has enough free memory and meets the recommended requirements for running Minecraft. Always remember to save your game frequently and restart the game or your device periodically to clear the memory. Please be mindful not to allocate too much of your system's memory to Minecraft, as other software and applications also need memory to run efficiently.
Gefragt Apr 18, 2024 11:17 AM

The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Code de sortie : -1

The "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error typically occurs when Minecraft runs out of memory. This often happens because the game doesn't have enough RAM allocated to it. You can solve this problem by increasing the amount of RAM allocated to the game. To do this, you need to open the Minecraft Java launcher, navigate to the Installations tab, click on the More Options section under your preferred installation, and in the 'JVM Arguments' box, modify the value '-Xmx2G' to increase the memory allocation. The '2G' means 2GB of RAM is allocated, so you can change it based on your system's available memory, for example, to '-Xmx4G' for 4GB. Be careful not to allocate more RAM than your computer has available.
Gefragt Apr 17, 2024 6:55 PM

How do I add furniture for Minecraft

In Minecraft, furniture isn't available as standalone items but can be created using different in-game blocks and items. For example, a chair can be built using stairs and signs, or a bed using wool and wood. There are numerous online tutorials that can teach you how to build different types of furniture. Alternatively, you can also use a custom add-on or mod such as "MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod" to add a variety of furniture in the game. Make sure to install such mods only from official platforms to avoid security issues. Remember modding is not officially supported by Mojang, proceed at your own risk.
Gefragt Apr 6, 2024 11:22 AM

Is there any free add on to ride cars on nintendo switch for minecraft

No, Minecraft on Nintendo Switch does not currently support free add-ons for cars. The Switch version of the game does support the use of downloadable content (DLC) available through the Minecraft Marketplace, which may sometimes include vehicle-related content packs. These packs are usually sold for a small fee. For any changes in the policy or newly available content, please check the updates in your Minecraft game or in the official Minecraft website regularly. Please note that any unofficial add-ons or mods can potentially harm your system or game, and it's recommended to only use official content from Mojang.
Gefragt Apr 5, 2024 6:49 PM

Is there a free add on to ride cars on nintendo switch for minecraft

Unfortunately, there's no official free add-on to ride cars in Minecraft on Nintendo Switch. Minecraft does not feature modern vehicles like cars natively. Various add-ons or mods that include cars exist, but these are primarily for the PC version of Minecraft and are not officially endorsed by Mojang. Furthermore, because the Nintendo Switch version of the game does not support mods or add-ons in the same way, you would not be able to use these even if they did exist. Please remember to only download content from trusted sources to ensure the safety of your device.
Gefragt Apr 5, 2024 6:48 PM

Helfen Sie mir bei meinem Mojang Kundendienstproblem


Kann ich Minecraft auf mehreren Geräten spielen?

Ja, Sie können Minecraft auf mehreren Geräten spielen. Minecraft ist auf verschiedenen Plattformen verfügbar, darunter Konsolen, Computer und Mobilgeräte ...

Kann ich meine Minecraft-Welt auf ein anderes Gerät übertragen?

Ja, Sie können Ihre Minecraft-Welt auf ein anderes Gerät übertragen. Dazu müssen Sie Ihre Minecraft-Weltdateien auf dem Gerät finden ...

Kann ich Minecraft mit meinen Freunden auf verschiedenen Plattformen spielen?

Ja, Sie können Minecraft mit Ihren Freunden auf verschiedenen Plattformen spielen. Minecraft unterstützt plattformübergreifendes Spielen zwischen verschiedenen Geräten,...

Internet Connection

Benötige ich eine Internetverbindung, um Minecraft zu spielen?

Ja, zum Spielen von Minecraft ist eine Internetverbindung erforderlich. Zunächst muss das Spiel heruntergeladen und installiert werden, was nur...

System Requirements

Was sind die Systemanforderungen für Minecraft?

Die Systemanforderungen für Minecraft sind relativ bescheiden, sodass Spieler das Spiel auf einer Vielzahl von Geräten genießen können. Für die...

Offline Play

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Minecraft offline zu spielen?

Ja, es ist möglich, Minecraft offline zu spielen. Minecraft bietet einen Offline-Modus, der es Spielern ermöglicht, das Spiel ohne Internet zu genießen ...

Minecraft Realms

Was ist der Minecraft Realms-Dienst?

Der Minecraft Realms-Dienst ist eine abonnementbasierte Online-Hosting-Plattform von Mojang. Es ermöglicht Spielern, ... zu erstellen und zu verwalten.

Parental Controls

Gibt es in Minecraft eine Kindersicherung?

Ja, Minecraft bietet verschiedene Kindersicherungsoptionen, um jüngeren Spielern ein sichereres Spielerlebnis zu bieten. Die Kindersicherung kann...
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