
BLU Kunden-FAQ

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Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von BLU?

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Kürzliche BLU Kundenfragen

Blu phone not giving full charge

If your BLU phone is not charging fully, consider the following steps: Check the charging cable and adapter for any damage; try using a different cable or adapter to see if that resolves the issue. Clean the charging port on the phone to remove any dust or debris. Ensure that the software is up to date, as updates can sometimes resolve charging issues. If the problem persists, it may be a battery issue, and replacing the battery might be necessary.
Gefragt Mar 1, 2025 1:38 PM

How do I enter? Android recovery mode on a blue M8L tablet

To enter Android recovery mode on a BLU M8L tablet, first turn off the device. Then, press and hold the Volume Up and Power buttons simultaneously until the BLU logo appears. Once the logo displays, release both buttons. You should then see the recovery menu. Use the volume buttons to navigate and the Power button to select options in recovery mode.
Gefragt Feb 28, 2025 1:58 AM

why blu G73 does not charge, port was cleaned and different power cords were used ?

If the BLU G73 is not charging despite cleaning the port and using different power cords, it may indicate a hardware issue. This could involve the battery itself, a problem with the charging port, or internal components of the device. It's advisable to ensure the device is updated to the latest software version, as sometimes bugs can affect charging. If the problem persists, further diagnosis by a professional may be necessary.
Gefragt Feb 7, 2025 8:38 PM

How to contact blu smartphone about stolen mobile phone?

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing.
Gefragt Dec 21, 2024 3:19 PM

Why can I not connect to my Wi-Fi network

There could be several reasons for not connecting to your Wi-Fi network. Common issues include incorrect Wi-Fi password entry, distance from the router, interference from other devices, or the Wi-Fi network being hidden. Additionally, ensure that airplane mode is turned off and that the Wi-Fi is enabled on your device. Restarting your device or the router can also help resolve connectivity problems.
Gefragt Dec 12, 2024 3:08 AM

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